ジョン・シンガー・サージェント《1902年8月のエドワード7世の戴冠式にて国家の剣を持つ、第6代ロンドンデリー侯爵チャールズ・スチュワートと従者を務めるW・C・ボーモント》1904年 Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Gift of an American Private Collector and Museum purchase with the generous assistance of a friend of the Museum, and the Juliana Cheney Edwards Collection, M. and M. Karolik Fund, Harry Wallace Anderson Fund, General Funds, Francis Welch Fund, Susan Cornelia Warren Fund, Ellen Kelleran Gardner Fund, Abbott Lawrence Fund, and funds by exchange from a Gift of John Richardson Hall, Bequest of Ernest Wadsworth Longfellow, Gift of Alexander Cochrane, The Hayden Collection-Charles Henry Hayden Fund, Anonymous gift, and Bequest of Maxim Karolik |